Saturday, July 24, 2010


The whole Facebook thing is really getting out of hand. I knew that when everyone my wife knew had a page, she was 22 and this was four years ago, that it was just a matter of time before I got one. I am seven years her elder and deep down thought FB was cool, but totally made fun of her for using such a vain piece of technology.

Anyway, fast forward to today. I just set up my mother's account so she could post the pictures my parent's 40th anniversary trip to Hawaii. I convinced her that it would be far eisier than trying to send out 100 pictures to her five sons. This saved me the time to explain to her for about the 100th time where her photos go when she uploads them to her pc and how to send out a group e-mail again. Her generation (ages 55-65) are now joining at a rapid pace and are the biggest percentage age demographic to join in the past six months.

The point here is I didn't want my mother to know what I was doing when I was a teen. What makes me think I want her to know now? The problem lies when I post a comment about the Cubs sucking-ass or something, I don't want her mug in there saying..."watch you language, son."

So, this being the first of my many posts to come, I will keep you up to date on the many pains and gains, that the "Facebook Nation" (all rights reserved) has created in my life, friends life, friends of friends, get the picture.

If you want to share your horror stories, great re-connects, marriage issues and so forth please feel free to. As those will be some of the topics I will cover.

So for now, as always...Stay tuned.